An FBI special agent who tracked down a paedophile and brought him to justice has spoken out about how cooperation from the victim’s family and dedication helped solve the horrific crime.
Antonio Cardenas, 33, was sentenced to 35 years in prison last week, and will be on supervised probation for the rest of his life, for repeatedly molesting a Utah boy, now 15, and filming the appalling acts.
The sexual abuse began when the boy, who suffers from a learning disability, was encouraged to enroll in a mentoring program in 2004, after he was teased by his classmates. 
But Cardenas, who was appointed the seven-year-old’s mentor, instead molested and raped him. He continued to do so until 2009, which is when he fled to Mexico after images of him abusing the boy began circulating online.
Cardenas had filmed the acts and passed them on to a friend who posted them on to the internet, where they quickly became among the most popularly traded child pornography in the world. The paedophile's apprehension was not easy.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children had seen the shocking footage in June 2009 and passed it on to FBI special agent Jeff Ross, who was tasked with identifying the Hispanic man and young boy in the distressing film.
At first it was not clear if the pictures showed other victims being abused too, but Ross’ investigation ‘cemented the fact that it was the same kid, over several years in Utah and Nevada,’ he said.
But despite sending pictures of the boy to schools in Utah, reviewing Hispanics listed in the state’s sex offender database and canvassing hotels in Las Vegas where some of the abuse had taken place, the agent was no closer to determining the identities of the two.
'It was a massive undertaking that led to absolutely nothing,' Ross told the newspaper. 'It was frustrating. We didn’t find anything.'
But a breakthrough came in October 2009 after FBI agents in Los Angeles investigating a ring of paedophiles who traded images of child pornography were led to a Missouri man who had posted images of the Utah boy in question being abused.
The man gave agents the victim’s name, and Cardenas’, whom he said had moved to Mexico.
Utah authorities told Ross that the child had in fact tried to reach out about the abuse before, telling a school official in 2008 that Cardenas had forced him to watch 'dirty movies', but later retracting his statement.

But when he was interviewed by Ross, the boy recounted the years of horrific abuse he had suffered at the hands of the man who was supposed to be his role model.
His outraged mother told how the family had trusted Cardenas, letting him attend a family holiday and even take the boy on a trip to Las Vegas. He had also stayed in touch with the boy after returning to Mexico with weekly phone calls and emails.
Ross had to find out a way of bringing Cardenas back to the U.S. and the boy’s mother had a plan. She said she would pretend the family was throwing a surprise party for the boy, whose birthday is in early January, and invite Cardenas along.
It was a difficult plan for the mother, as she was forced to talk to the man who had repeatedly abused her son as if nothing had happened, in the hopes that he would attend.
'She reached out to Tony and lucky enough for us, that’s exactly what he did,' Ross said. 'We would still be dealing with all kinds of treaties, just trying to locate him and get him up here but we used the mom and she was awesome. We wouldn’t have him in custody if it weren’t for her.'
Cardenas was arrested on the day of the surprise party in January 2010. 'We had him in custody thanks in large part to mom’s ability to keep her cool and play this script we had written out,' Ross said.
Two months later, the agent was working with Interpol in Lyon, France, on child pornography cases when he came across footage of three boys being abused my a Hispanic man while they slept. 'It was the same guy,' Ross said.
Until then, Cardenas' family had refused to believe the allegations against him, but when they were shown the new footage to see if they recognised any of the children, they revealed it was Cardenas' own nephews.
'Until that point [Cardenas] was going to go to trial and make us put this kid on the stand and talk about all [these] things,' Ross said. 'Once we showed the family photos of him molesting his own nephews, that’s when he decided he wasn’t going to fight this any longer.'
After his arrest, Cardenas allegedly told the FBI that he had not hurt the boy. 'You guys hurt him when you talked to him about what happened,' he said, according to the newspaper.
In February this year, Cardenas admitted to travelling from Utah to Las Vegas to engage in a sexual act with a child under the age of 12, between June 2005 and July 2006. He also admitted to engaging in sexual acts with the child in Utah before and after the trip.
As part of his plea agreement, prosecutors dropped other counts of aggravated sexual abuse, production of child pornography and distribution of child pornography and agreed to recommend he spend 30 years, rather than life, in prison.
But U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups said that given the age of the victim, and the abuse of his family's trust, he would have to add another five years, according to the newspaper.

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