Gospel Singer James Fortune Faces $5M Child Abuse Lawsuit

James Fortune Child Abuser

The biological father of James Fortune’s stepson is suing the gospel singer for $5M, demanding the the self-proclaimed ‘religious man’ pay up for his child abusing actions that left his young victim with a permanent disfigurement.
The lawsuit stems from an incident that dates back to 2001, when the then four-year-old boy reportedly suffered severe burns to almost half of his body after James Fortune “whipped the child naked with a switch, then held him down in a tub of scalding water. All for coloring on a table at school.
Court documents reveal the child, now 15-years-old, remains in need of addition plastic surgery to correct the disfigurement he suffered from the child abuse incident that left him in need of 63 days of hospitalization for second and third degree burns over 47% of his body.
Back in 2003, James Fortune pleaded guilty to felony injury to a child and received six-years of deferred adjudication.
Here’s what James Fortune had to say about the current lawsuit against him:
“There was a criminal investigation and all matters were resolved in 2003. Since that time, my family and I, including my stepson, have continued with family traditions and always have a loving family environment.
We are shocked by this lawsuit, but understand people are free to use the court system to pursue claims, whether they contain merit or baseless matters. We are confident through this process, if it proceeds to a judge or jury, the ultimate decision maker will render a decision that is favorable to the circumstances and timing surrounding this situation. We believe in our American justice system and know it will work for us as it has for millions of other Americans.
I love all my children, including my stepson, and I ask for your prayers as we deal with this matter privately. Thank you for your continued support for me, my family, and ministry.”
James Fortune Alien Head

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