tami roman
You can certainly tell a lot about a lady by the company she keeps, and if you're striving to be besties with the women of Basketball Wives, that may not fare very well for your character… at least in my opinion.
It seems that Tami Roman has found out the hard way.  I'd like to feel sorry for her, but we all know that's never going to happen! 

As much as she promises that she's changed for the better, Tami recently got fighting mad (literally) at pal Evelyn Lozada for giving her the hand.  Tami has also gotten upset with co-star, current frienemy, and BBW creator, accusing Shaunie O'Neal as trying to define her by her violent, bullish past.  

You know, up to this point, I'd thought that Tami was making a mountain out of a mole hill regarding Shaunie's "it could go really good or really bad" comment (Seriously, I can't believe that we're still talking about that one sentence).  Now, however, I don't put it past Shaunie to quietly instigate.  She is, after all, the cast's puppet master!

Tami isn't willing to let go of that comment.  Perhaps she's learning that Shaunie never had serious intentions to be best buds with someone who came into the group on the outskirt of her inner circle. Maybe it would serve Tami well to just remove herself from the situation entirely.

One of Tami's Twitter followers asked if she'd be returning for next season, to which Tami responded with a resounding, "No."  

When Nostrils got wind of Tami's announcement, she was quick to throw shade via Twitter, writing, "She did? Then why… Never mind."  Passive aggresive much, Shaunie?  
I guess it's no surprise that Tami decided to go off on her weekly YouTube vlog in which she addressed this week's episode, and her reaction to Shaunie.  She rants, "I love the fact that you are speaking your mind, but here's the problem with what I'm saying over the course of shows: You're looking a little shady because before anybody else can say anything, you done took it back."

Check out the video below:

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