Thug Life:  Thug Love sold separately
Hey Beautiful People,

What’s up? I hope everyone is ready for the heat.  If there is ever a time to get turnt up I believe summer is that time. This is the season of the short shorts, crop tops and sun dresses.  This is the season where it’s ok to let it all hang out, literally. Summer is also the season where pretty much anything goes for the sake of the season.  Example:  You get pissy drunk after drinking out of a fish bowl all night, all because its summer time. 

The intoxication can cause you to post the worse Facebook statuses that anyone has ever seen.  Even worse you could end up drunk texting someone you have absolutely no business even talking to and saying things that would make a hooker blush! 

I am not saying that I have done any of these things but just trust me, they happen.  LOL -_-

Here we are in the middle of a heat wave and everything is hot including the streets.  The summer time brings the bikes out, the bootys out, and the boys out!  The main attraction for guys this summer is the girls in shorts and the main attraction for the girls is the boys in the street.   After all who doesn’t like a lil’ hood every now and then? Let’s talk about it…

I don’t know what it is, I have not been able to successfully figure it out but there is something about a guy with a little street in him that is so irresistible.  I mean all women have dated or dealt with a guy from the street at some point.  You know, the guy your parents wouldn’t approve of, the guy who you knew deep down inside was trouble. Well that’s who I am talking about today.

The forbidden fruit seems to always be the prettiest, ripest, shiniest, and tastiest.  If you’re anything like me that is the exact fruit you ALWAYS reach for.  However just like the BIBLE says, you are well aware that you shouldn’t taste it and yet you still do.  Why?

Here is what I think… No here is what I know…. From experience.

I like to consider myself somewhat of a good girl.  Naturally opposites attract so I of course love the bad boys.   I mean I haven’t dated that many bad boys but those that I did ooohhhh baby was I OPEN.  Don’t judge me because I know you have been there too.   I’m just bold enough to say it.   I fell for it ALL.   I mean the stance, his walk, and even the way he would speak.  The allure was too strong, and he made me weak.  I knew that I was dead ass wrong for more reasons than one, but I let it get the best of me. 

I was chasing fire.  The rush was good to me it was like the high you felt from your first drink.  The high you chase every time you drink it’s never quite the same though. Yet I still chased it.

The only issue was Thug love is a different type of love, if you can call it love at all.  I AM THE CHILD OF A HUSTLER SO I ALREADY UNDERSTOOD THE WAY THINGS HAD TO BE.  That didn’t make it easier though, not even a little bit.

The late nights, the abrupt movements, the lack of quality time all took their toll, eventually. Plus I had to deal with every girl’s worse nightmare, the annoying hood rats. They were more of a pest than anything but it was all so annoying.   I found myself staying put because that thug sex was EVERYTHING.  Lmao, I’m not going to front NO ONE serves it quite like a hood dude.  It’s the roughness, the spontaneity, the passion, the idea that you better take it now because who knows when you will have this time again, that was such a turn on.  The money meant nothing to me because if you know me you know I have my own always have always will.

I was infatuated with the rush, in love with the idea of having a thug.  When in reality all I had was a good f#ck and a headache from all the other BS that came with it. The bitches, the same old arguments, and the competition with the streets all became old real quick. Nonetheless I was”WIFEY” (what does this even mean?) so I decided to stay put and stay quiet.  How stupid and naïve was I, all for the sake of the game.  A game I didn’t even want to play anymore.  The late nights got later, the abrupt movements became a constant, and the quality time just turned into idle time. 

I used that idle time to re-evaluate the situation, to build and reconnect with myself and I had an epiphany. It was pointless to stay.  I was done.  I was over that phase and it was time to let that go. Thank God for maturity.

My question is, does thug life come complete with thug love? I want to know if it’s possible in this day and time for a guy to choose love over the streets.

Have you been bitten by “the thug- love bug” or “the thug-lust bug”…? Have I been bitten (again)???? The world may never know because that’s one secret I’m keeping….. I don’t know but, lately I’ve just been shy.
Well that’s my time.  I’m leaving you with this thought, live with no regrets because at one point that which you now regret was exactly what you wanted at one time. So love again even if its a thug!!!! *besos*


Jackie Jewel

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