The blood-filled cab where a cabby was guesomely stabbed to through his eye.The blood-filled cab where a cabby was guesomely stabbed to through his eye.
Brooklyn cab driver killed with an umbrella.
A cabby died a gruesome death in Brooklyn yesterday when a passenger fatally stabbed him through the eye with an umbrella during a robbery, law-enforcement sources said.
After getting gored, the cabby continued to drive for about a block before hitting two parked minivans on Thomas S Boyland Street in Brownsville at about 5 p.m., authorities said.

After the crook and a pal fled, the driver was taken to Brookdale Hospital in critical condition and later died.

Cops are looking for a black male and female, in their mid-20s, who were in the driver’s 2000 Mercury sedan. The cab had New Jersey plates and was operated by Freedom Car Service, police said.

Grainy video obtained from a nearby bodega shows the couple getting out of the car and walking calmly away, as the cab keeps heading slowly down the street and turns right onto Lott Avenue.

The mortally wounded driver crashed across the street from a school where kids were playing in the yard.

“I was cooking in kitchen and I heard a loud bang, so I ran to my window. I saw the cabdriver bleeding like crazy. His face was full of blood,” said Lena Taylor, 51, who lives on the street.

“I called 911 and they arrived fast and cut him out of the car. He already looked dead.”
Police were not certain of the nature of the dispute, but believe the driver was robbed, said cab-union boss Fernando Mateo.

“It was a terrible way for a man to die,” Mateo said.

The driver had no valid identification when he was found.
There is a $5,000 for information leading to an arrest.

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