Catherine Kieu, 50
An Orange County woman by the name of Catherine Kieu, 50, is currently facing felony charges of torture and aggravated mayhem; charges that have the potential of earning her a life sentence in prison, The Los Angeles Times reports.

Kieu was arrested back in July in 2011 after she allegedly laced her 60-year-old husband’s dinner with Ambien, which made him drowsy and prompted him to go to bed. Once asleep, Kieu is said to have tied his arms and legs to the bed with a rope. When he was awaken from his slumber, Kieu allegedly pulled down his pants and cut off his p*nis with a knife.
But wait, it gets worse. Reports say that once her husband’s member was severed, she tossed it into the garbage disposal and turned it on, “mutilating the organ.” She then called 911 and said that her husband was injured and bleeding. The victim then got on the phone with the dispatcher and said that his wife cut off his private part. Once authorities arrived on the scene, the victim was rushed to UC Irvine Medical Center. Unfortunately, the hospital’s attempt reattach the organ failed. Kieu later told police that her husband “deserved it” and that he allegedly raped her in the past.

It seems that an argument that Kieu had with her husband about a friend staying at their home preceded the assault. According to the Times, prosecutors say the gruesome act was motivated by jealousy. The trial began Wednesday of this week. During open statements, Kieu’s defense attorney told the courts that his client was raised in Vietnam and that she suffers from mental problems.
If she is found guilty, Kieu faces the threat of a life in prison sentence without the possibility of parole. According to Jezebel, the jury consists of mostly women and male jurors could be seen “cringing” as the gruesome details of the incident were described. We certainly can’t blame them.

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