Brand Nubian’s Lord Jamar has taken his issues with today’s men’s fashion by releasing a new track called “Lift Up Your Skirt.”
“Somebody mad at my hash tag,” Jamar raps. “Instagram, Black man lookin’ half a f*g/With a blazer and vest, I’m just amazed at the mess/Pioneer of this q*eer sh*t is Kanye West/He introduced the skinny jeans to the rap scene/Then he wore a f*cking skirt on the video screen/Then he wore it again at a memorial/I can’t pretend that this sh*t ain’t deplorable/I bet this n*gga thinkin’ he lookin’ adorable/Your music’s good but your ego is horrible…” (“Lift Up Your Skirt”)
Jamar has also hopped onto his Twitter page to explain the new hard-hitting anthem.
“The same people callin me a HATER, are the same people I’m trying to help out of LOVE regardless if they realize or not.,” LJ tweeted February 4th.
“What’s so crazy is a majority of GAY MEN wouldn’t even wear skirts. Lol”
“FYI: This is NOT some sort of CRUSADE that I’m on, I’ve spoken my peace on the subject & don’t plan on dragging this out.”
“Now that I got y’all attention why don’t y’all go through my timeline & check my posts on meditation & nutrition?” (Lord Jamar’s Twitter)
A few weeks ago, Jamar talked to SOHH about name-dropping Yeezy with an Instagram post.
“First of all, it’s not just jabs at Kanye West,” Jamar explained to SOHH.
“It’s anybody promoting the feminization — of the Black man in hip-hop culture.
Anybody that I see out there, rocking dresses and all of that type of sh*t, I might shoot a jab at.
But Kanye is one of the ones right now that’s representing that movement.
He’s one of the first ones that you see in a skirt.
Now you got other people following suit and rocking full-out dresses or they’re trying to rock kilts.
We’re not Irish.
We’re not Europeans.
Rocking kilts and all that is just another excuse to introduce that skirt style.
You understand what I’m saying?
And I’m not with it.
This has nothing to do with sexuality, who they choose to be with and all that, I’m not even talking about that.
I’m talking specifically about, what is hip-hop? And that’s not hip-hop. Rocking dresses with mean faces, that’s not hip-hop.” (SOHH)
On the Instagram photo, the Brand Nubian member blasted Ye for inspiring suspect fashion.
“Y’all Cee where the Kanye sh*t is takin us right? #halfafag,” LJ posted onto Twitter January 26th. 

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