James DeBarge 2011 Arrest Details Revealed…

James DeBarge Arrested for Prostitution
 Many of you watched the recent when the Dr. Drew’s CW network show re-broadcast the September 2011 episode, when James, Bunny, and Randy DeBarge appeared asking for help with their addictions.
Following the original appearance, all three DeBarge siblings went to a North Hollywood rehabilitation center. As noted following the re-broadcast, The former Mr. Janet Jackson, aka James DeBarge went AWOL shortly after checking into the rehab center. But, what was not revealed was that James DeBarge was picked up just a few hours later prostituting himself for drugs.

Here is what insider revealed 

“Before James was popped on the gun charges he was whoring himself in the streets for crack and heroin. James was a mess! He never had any intention to get help, he needs much more than the typical rehabilitation. James has been selling his ass for drugs for years now.
His family and the few friends he has left truly believe he will not survive much longer. They rather him locked up in jail, then being on the streets.”
Is the DeBarge family one of the most dysfunctional families in the entertainment industry? .

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