Kanye West's Yeezus tour woes continued when less than 4,500 fans reportedly turned up to watch his show at a 19,000 seat arena in Kansas on Tuesday.

The Stronger star was surely far from impressed with the turnout at the Kansas City Sprint Center, but he tried to placate the audience during an eight minute rant.

According to the Kansas City Star, the 36-year-old said: 'I don't always say the right things at the right time.

'I'm better at saying the wrong things at the wrong time.'

And while the review also said he was 'prowling about the expansive set like a bloodied but unbowed mixed martial arts fighter eager to take on all comers,' it did not hesitate to stick the boot in either.

For it sniffily noted: 'West almost certainly could have filled the Sprint Center five years ago.

'Tuesday's poor attendance indicates how his scandalous love life, frequent impolite pronouncements and his gradual shift away from conventional hip-hop have alienated many of his fans.'

The future Mr. Kim Kardashian has been forced to cancel multiple concerts on the tour due to technical difficulties.

The first snag was when his management postponed the second date of the tour, which was slated to take place in Vancouver, Canada.

However it seems karma was in play as the truck that was on the way to the rescheduled concert on October 30 was in an accident.

The vehicle was carrying a video truss and a 60-foot circular LED screen and the smash, left both damaged.

Kanye also stormed off the stage during his November 30 show in Tampa, Florida after spewing an expletive rant at his tech crew.

The rapper, only a few seconds into his third song of the night, demanded that the music be halted as he chewed out his lighting and sound crew for 'f***ing up' his show.

And his enormous television was once again a bugbear, as he whined his likeness on the screen was in color when it was supposed be monochrome.

Meanwhile he has been criticized by the Anti-Defamation League for making anti-Semitic' comments.

While discussing the President's foreign policy record on Chicago's Power 105.1 radio station last month Kanye said: 'People want to say that Obama can't make these moves, or he's not executing,

'That's because he ain't got those connections. Black people don't have the same level of connections as Jewish people.'

Now the League's National Director, Abraham H. Foxman has hit back, saying: 'There it goes again, the age-old canard that Jews are all-powerful and control the levers of power in the government.'

He said the remarks were 'classic anti-Semitism,' and added, 'As a celebrity with a wide following, Kanye West should know better. We hope that he will take responsibility for his words, understand why they are so offensive, and apologize to those he has offended.

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