SCARY SIGHT: A man straddles the ledge on the Empire State Buidling before being talked down.
Man on the ledge of the Empire State Building.
Two tourists were taking in the sights Wednesday night, when right before their eyes a man hovered between life and death on the 85th floor of the Empire State Building.

Argentinians Luis Ariel Jofre and Julieta Paola Barambones said they saw the man, who had apparently already fallen one floor off an observation deck, swing his legs into the air as if he meant to drop again.
Man is rushed from Empire State Building after tumbling one story, breaking his ankle and cutting his hand.
“He was in his own world, like he was lost,” a shocked Jofre, 29, said of the 11:45 p.m. incident. “He was calm looking down, like it was nothing, but it was 80 stories high.”

Security guards talked the man off the ledge, said Jofre, who added, “We’re relieved that he didn’t die.”

FDNY officials said the man — wearing a white shirt and black pants — was transported to
Bellevue Hospital as an emotionally disturbed person.

A cop at the scene said the man suffered a broken ankle and cuts to his hands and faces a trespassing charge.
Authorities say the man will be facingĀ a trespassing charge.
The officer also said it had not been determined whether the man’s fall from the 86th floor was intentional.

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