Replacement Refs shown with two different calls at the end of GB Packers and Seattle Seahawks football game resulting in a botched call to give the Seahawks game winning TD. Fallout came after reviewing the call and still getting the interception wrong.
The Twitter-verse was sent into an uproar over the replacement referees’ call in Seattle’s 14-12 win over Green Bay on Monday night.
On the final play of the game, Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson hurled a pass into the endzone with the Seahawks trailing 12-7. Wide receiver Golden Tate went up for the jump ball along with Packers defensive backs Sam Shields and M.D. Jennings, with the Jennings coming down with what appeared to be an interception.
While one referee ruled that Tate came down with the ball and signaled for a touchdown, giving Seattle the win. The other official signaled for the clock to stop, which normally serves as a prelude for a touchback call.
After a booth review, referee Wayne Elliot stated that the ruling on the field would stand and the Seahawks kicked a procedural extra point to seal the win.
Minutes and hours after the game Twitter exploded with reactions, including ones from Packers and Seahawks players.
“Come on @NFL this *** is getting out of Control. Caused us a DAMN game. Horrible!,” Packers tight end Jermichael Finley tweeted. “@NFL Cheap *** hell!! Get us some NFL REFS! Not PEE WEE league refs! But it’s all Abt the Saints!”
"Got f---ed by the refs.. Embarrassing,” Packers guard T.J. Lang wrote. “Thanks nfl ... Fine me and use the money to pay the regular refs.
"Any player/coach in Seattle that really thinks they won that game has zero integrity as a man and should be embarrassed."
While some of the Packers players were outraged, others joked how the league has become a joke while the regular officials are locked out.
"Can't be upset anymore. All I can do is laugh. Laugh at the #NFL for allowing America's game to come to this. Wow!” Packers wideout Greg Jennings wrote.
"Heard they didn't show the replay at the stadium in Seattle. Haha I knew Pete Carroll was in the mob since playing against him at USC lol" linebacker Desmond Bishop wrote.
“BREAKING -JaMarcus Russell eyeing return to NFL after discovering games can be won by throwing interceptions. Lolol"
Seattle players had a much different view of the play, which helped their team improve to 2-1.
“Great win and way to finish! Never ever give up! Defense was lights out! #12thman was crazy loud! @Seahawks #gohawks,” Wilson wrote.
“WOW!!! What a game!! Love our guys for battling all the way to the end and never giving up! #Seahawks,” Head coach Pete Carroll tweeted.
The call, which is only the latest in the NFL’s replacement referee debacle, drew reactions, both positive and negative, from players around the league.
"Yeeeee! Score 1 for the Good Guys. Way to Go Stripes! Always good seeing a fellow WR get credit for a TD.......ON A INTERCEPTION. Yesss,” Bills wide receiver Stevie Johnson wrote.
“Refs single handedly blew this one…” Dolphins running back Reggie Bush tweeted.
ESPN personalities also had their own takes on the controversy, including fantasy football writer Matthew Berry, who referenced a story that surfaced last week that a replacement official referenced his fantasy team to Philadelphia running back LeSean McCoy while officiating a game between the Eagles and Ravens.
“Did the ref have Golden Tate in fantasy? #itsnotoutofthequestion,” Berry wrote.
For former Jets head coach and current ESPN analyst Herm Edwards, the call was simple.
"Three guys in a bar could figure this one out,” Edwards said on Tuesday.
Hall of Fame quarterback and FOX analyst Troy Aikman tweeted "These games are a joke,"
Stars from other sports got in the mix as Heat superstar LeBron James wrote, "I simply just LOVE the NFL to much to see these mistakes. I'm sick like I just played for the Packers."
Even Khloe Kardashian addressed the gaffe, writing "Bad day to be a replacement ref."
Wisconsin State Senator Jon Erpenbach tweeted NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's office phone number after the replacement officials mishandled the final play of the game.
Erpenbach said in a separate tweet that if Monday night's ending did not spark an end to the lockout of the regular officials "this season will be a joke." reported that the NFL and the locked-out referees met on Sunday, but left the negotiating table with no deal and remain far apart on issues. The NFL referees are seeking more compensation as well as a pension plan in their new contract.

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