Drunken Canadian Man Is Run Over By A 26 Car Freight Train, Then Gets Up Without A Scratch!

A drunken man who was passed out on rail tracks was run over by 26 train cars in Canada — and walked away without a scratch.
The 8,000-ton Canadian Pacific Railway freight train was speeding down the tracks May 20 in eastern British Columbia when the engineer noticed the man in his 20s lying on the tracks.
The engineer blasted the horn and slammed on the brakes, but to no avail. Railway workers found the man under the 26th car.
"The guy seemed to wake up and he got up, grabbed his beer and just walked away," Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt. Dave Dubnyk told the Alberta Sun.
Railway workers feared he was dead at first, but the man - who's name hasn't been released - had no injuries and, aside from being visibly intoxicated, was no worse for the wear.
"I don't know how you wouldn't wake up even being that passed out drunk, how you wouldn't wake up from that train rumbling over top of you with the brakes screeching," Dubnyk told the National Post.
People rarely survive being run over by trains, and those that do often lose limbs or suffer other injuries.
The luckiest man in Canada was traced to a nearby campsite by police dogs, where he was checked for injuries and arrested for public intoxication, Dubnyk told the Toronto Star. The Mounties tossed him in jail for the night to sober up.
Railway police have not decided whether to press charges against the man, the Winnipeg Free Press reports.
"I've never seen the likes of it," Dubnyk told the National Post.

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