Mitt Romney's efforts to relaunch his presidential campaign were overshadowed on Monday after video emerged showing him appear to dismiss nearly half the country as government dependents who "believe that they are victims".
 The Republican told a group of donors that the 47 per cent of Americans who do who do not pay income tax would automatically support President Barack Obama because they "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it".
"My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives," Mr Romney says in the video, which was filmed surreptitiously and leaked to Mother Jones magazine.
The footage, shot by an unknown film maker, is potentially explosive for the multimillionaire former private equity executive who is often caricatured by Democrats as a wealthy man out of touch with the hardships of everyday Americans.
It reportedly shows Mr Romney addressing wealthy donors earlier this year and speaking candidly about his strategy of focusing on the small sliver of the population that remains undecided ahead of November's election and not attempting to win over low income voters.
The Obama campaign immediately seized on the footage Jim Messina, the President's campaign manager, said: "It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation".
Mitt Romney’s campaign team responded by saying the Republican nominee wanted "to help all Americans struggling in the Obama economy” but was "concerned" by the growing number of people dependant on government handouts.
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said the video raised important issues about the nature of government in American society. "I think that it is very clear that one of the key issues for Americans to decide is what kind of America you want to have," he said in a reference to Mr Obama’s "cradle to grave" vision for government social programmes. "We are entering into a dependancy society in this country."
In a hastily-arranged press conference in Los Angeles, Mr Romney insisted that his goal as president would be to "help all Americans," but he did not shy away from the remarks, saying only that they were "not elegantly stated."
But "I am talking about the political process of drawing people into my campaign," Romney stressed.
"The president has his group, I have my group. I want to keep my team strong and motivated and I want to get those people in the middle," Romney added.
"That's something which fundraising people who are parting with their monies are very interested in knowing - can you win or not? - and that's what this was addressing."
Romney then headed to a fundraiser in Orange County that raised more than $4 million, his campaign said.
In the footage, Mr Romney also cautions against harshly criticising the President because it could alienate voters who supported him in 2008 and continue to like him personally, even if they disapprove of his handling of the economy.
"When you say to them, 'Do you think Barack Obama is a failure?' they overwhelmingly say no. They like him. But when you say, 'Are you disappointed that his policies haven't worked?' they say yes. And because they voted for him, they don't want to be told that they were wrong, that he's a bad guy, that he did bad things, that he's corrupt."
Mr Romney also jokes about his father, George Romney, who was born in Mexico to American parents, suggesting that there would be an electoral advantage if he were of Hispanic descent.
"He was unfortunately born to Americans living in Mexico. He lived there for a number of years. I mean, I say that jokingly, but it would be helpful to be Latino," he said.
The footage of Mr Romney was an unwelcome development for the challenger, who has been under fire from his own party in recent days, both for an ill-judged response to the anti-US demonstrations in the Middle East and for an anaemic domestic campaign.
He has frustrated many Republicans with a strategy seemingly based on hoping that a weak economic recovery and general disappointment with Mr Obama will be sufficient for him to prevail.
That finally appeared to change yesterday, as Mr Romney released two new television advertisements in which he promised "to help the middle class", while creating the conditions that would "add 12million new jobs in four years".
Mr Romney also charged Mr Obama with "failing American families" by allowing the national debt to grow by $5 trillion (£3 trillion) while average household incomes had shrunk by $4,000.
However, the "reset" was in danger of being undermined as internal tensions broke out into the open.
Unidentified aides accused Stuart Stevens, Mr Romney’s chief strategist, of having the aura of a "mad professor".
A Romney insider told Politico magazine: "The campaign is filled with people who spend a lot of their time either avoiding Stuart or resisting him."
The publication described the Romney campaign as "chaotic", detailing how Mr Stevens commissioned two drafts of his Convention acceptance speech, only to rip up both, before writing the final version, which was poorly received.
Mr Obama, meanwhile, was in the battleground state of Ohio in the industrial Midwest, where he tried to neutralise Mr Romney’s accusations that his administration was soft on China.
The President has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organisation about allegedly illegal subsidies totalling $3 billion that it claims are allowing Chinese manufacturers of car parts to undercut US producers.
"I understand my opponent has been running around Ohio claiming he’s going to take the fight to China," Mr Obama told a crowd in Cincinnati. "Here’s the thing: his experience has been owning companies that were called ‘pioneers’ in outsourcing jobs to countries like China. You can’t stand up to China when all you’ve done is send them our jobs."

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