Matthew Fox (TV Show LOST) Avoiding Jail Time in DUI Case

Matthew Fox was busted for suspicion of driving under the influence at the beginning of the month in his hometown of Bend, Oregon. Fox was detained and released after posting bond and now it’s being reporting that although he will forever be a part of the DUI Club, he will not be a part of the chain gain, because he has copped a plea that avoids jail time.
Fox’s plea has him pleading no contest to the singular count of DUI in exchange for a revocation of driving privileges for a year and a ban on all alcohol consumption for a year as well. Fox will also have to attend and complete a drug and alcohol treatment program.
I’m calling it now – he’ll be caught driving within the next 3 months.
Although Matthew has mitigated this little, tiny blip, he can’t shake the boob punching incident. If you recall, fellow “Lost” star, Dominic Monaghan, called Matthew out on twitter about the incident the other day.

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