Beiber Suffers A Concussion After Running Into A Glass Wall

It turns out Justin Bieber's adorable mop of hair doesn't provide much protection.
The "Boyfriend" singer suffered a concussion Thursday after running into a glass wall during his concert in Paris.
Bieber slammed his head into the partition while reaching for a railing on the other side of the glass backstage in between songs, the 18-year-old pop star told TMZ.
"It really hurt and I felt a little light headed but my adrenaline, I feel, pushed me through it and I performed the last song," Bieber told the gossip site. "After that I went backstage and immediately felt a little week and I passed out for 15 seconds."
Hours after the incident, Bieber's wits seemed unharmed by his head trauma.
"i'm Canadian. we are tough. lol. its all good," Bieber tweeted Thursday. "just gotta take it easy the rest of the night. back at it again for u guys tomorrow. thanks."
It's been an eventful four-city European promotional tour so far.

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