Openly Gay Teen May Face Expulsion For Carrying A Taser For Protection

Chelisa Grimes(Mom) Darnell Young aka Dynasty 17(Student/Son)
 An openly gay Indiana high school student whose mother gave him a stun gun for protection against bullies faces possible expulsion for bringing the weapon to school.
Darnell Young, 17, reportedly fired the stun gun into the air last month when surrounded by six menacing classmates — leading school officials to consider kicking him out of Arsenal Technical High School.
Young’s mom said the decision to arm her son was a move made out of desperation.
“I do not promote violence — not at all,” the boy’s mother, Chelisa Grimes, told CNN. “But what is a parent to do when she has done everything that she felt she was supposed to do.
“I did feel there was nothing left for me to do but protect my child.”
Young — who goes by the nickname “Dynasty” — claims fellow Indianapolis students mock him with homophobic insults, threaten to beat him up and once tossed rocks at him.
According to Grimes, school officials blamed her son for the flamboyant outfits that he wears to school — including purses and jewelry.
Principal Larry Yarrell told CNN that administrators did ask Young to “tone down” his school outfits.
“If you wear female apparel, then kids are kids and they’re going to say whatever it is that they want to say,” he said. “Because you want to be different and because you choose to wear female apparel, it may happen.
“In the idealistic society, it shouldn’t matter. People should be able to wear what they want to wear.”
A decision on the expulsion could come before the end of the week.

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