Is Superhead Going In On Her New Husband's Manhood On Twitter???

Former video vixen Karrine "Superhead" Steffans has stepped up to
address recent public comments she made over not getting satisfication
in her sex life, claiming she merely teased fans and did not put her
husband on blast.

According to Steffans, she said her recent tell-all words were merely
used for entertainment purposes.

"Ppl who started following this new accnt b4 this wk know I have
RANDOM rants. This is all for entertainment & does not reflect my
life... Usually I do this during #twittersfterdark but was inspired
earlier in the day by the books I'm publishing & writing... True, I
can relate to MANY of my tweets, just as you can, but they are not
meant to be autobiographical all the time... My job is to entertain
thru, whether in books or on Twitter. I like to keep ppl guessing but
pls don't assume u know what I'm talking about." (Karrine Steffans'
She also reminded her fans there was never a mention to anyone in particular.

"I never once mentioned my husband. I can't deny or confirm that fact,
not on twitter. All I can do is continue writing my next book... This
book can be fiction or non-fiction. So can these tweets. You can't be
sure &, as an author, this is part of my job. To just entertain. It
would be best advised that you don't take the internet or everything I
say & do so seriously. We're all just having fun here. Enjoy!"
(Karrine Steffans' Twitter)
In her original post, the former groupie clearly referenced being
unsatisfied with her sex life.
"Sometimes, in relationships, the pleasure is all theirs. Alone, I am
a superhero. With you, I am a mere mortal. You deplete me. I'm tired
of being your upgrade. We are not equally yoked. You really deserve
someone more basic. I'm tired of pretending your mediocrity is okay
with me. I'm tired of pretending I don't miss G650?s. I'm tied of
pretending you're not a burden.I'm tired of pretending I don't deserve
a f-cking BOSS! I'm tired of you driving my car. Stop telling me you
love me as if you're doing me some sort of favor. I don't need you to
love me. I love me. I'm tired of pretending like you shouldn't be
intimidated by the other men in my life. Cuz you should. I'm tired of
pretending as if I support your bullshit dreams. I'm tired of
pretending your d-ck isn't the smallest d-ck I've ever seen in my
life. Cuz it is. I'm tired of pretending your favorite rapper didn't
just beat it up on Friday. I'm tired of paying for everything." (Vibe
In September, Steffans denied rumors claiming she and rap star Lil
Wayne got hitched, but admitted another man put a ring on it. However,
the author, who divorced actor Darius McCrary last year, told
exclusively that she's already donned her wedding gown in a private
ceremony... but to another dreadlocked bachelor. (VIBE)

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