Have You Heard of Vodka Tampons?

So, apparently I was born yesterday. I read recently that college students are soaking tampons in vodka and inserting them to get drunk quicker without taking any shots. Yikes! Tell me you haven't tried this...
BlissTree recently reported on a surprising trend called "vodka tampons." "Probably one of the best dumb ways that college students get drunk, the vodka-soaked tampon sounds like a perfect urban myth...except that it's true. And it's not just girls that use it. Which means both men and women are willing to insert alcohol into improper orifices to get drunk without drinking. Unfortunately, because the liquor is absorbed through the bloodstream (and not the stomach, which comes with safeguard like vomiting to keep you from having too much), the risk of alcohol poisoning is much, much higher."
Women's health expert, Hyla Cass, M.D, says don't do it gals! "Our vaginal tissue is quite delicate, and vodka is pretty strong alcohol," she says. "Of nothing else it would smart! You also have no control over absorption here and could get more inebriated than you'd like or is safe."
Oh, in case you need proof that it hurts, here you go!

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