6-year-old Albany boy escapes from wrecked car after it plummets 50 feet and crashes; saves mother

Heroic kid crawls out window and takes a hike to find help

A quick-thinking 6-year-old is being credited with saving his mother’s life after a wrong move on an icy road sent their vehicle tumbling down a snow-covered embankment, an experience he said was like “a scary movie,” according to Fox News.
Dolores Dober was driving with her son, Aaron Wright, Saturday afternoon, just outside of Albany, when her car began to slide into the opposite lane, the Albany Times-Union reported.
Faced with an oncoming truck, she jerked the vehicle back into the right lane – but she turned too hard. Her 1999 Chrysler Cirrus skid off the road, flipping as it plummeted 50 feet, landing on its roof.
As his mother hung from her seatbelt, Wright scrambled out of the backseat and crawled to her window, Dober told Fox News.
“Next thing I know, he’s climbing out of the trunk and looking at my window saying, ‘I’m going to kick it open,’” she said. “And I said, ‘No, if you’re out, see if you can find somebody. Try to find anybody.’”
Wright grabbed his mother’s purse, with her cell phone inside, and hiked up the snowy embankment, wearing socks, but no shoes.
Once he reached the top, a man stopped and they called 911.
Local fire departments rushed to the scene and pulled Dober from the vehicle, which was totaled in the crash.
According to Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple, the 6-year-old is a hero.
“Some people will panic in a situation like that,” Apple told Fox News. “Some people will be afraid to leave their mother, but he left his mother for the right reason: to go get help.”
Dober and her son were both treated for minor injuries at Albany Medical Center, the Albany Times-Union reported.

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