1 Dead in St. Louis Police Shooting
St. Louis Police Shooting Leaves 1 Dead after an on-foot chase and back-alley struggle broke out earlier this afternoon.

The suspect in the chase was shot four times in the story of St. Louis Police Shooting Leaves 1 Dead after being cornered by two officers in the 4100 block of Minnesota Avenue.
“According to St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson, two police officers were on patrol when they spotted a man they recognized. That person then started running, holding his hand at his waist. The officers began a foot pursuit. They tracked the suspect into an alley where there was a struggle.”
It’s reported that during the struggle the suspect pulled a handgun and aimed it at one of the officers, obviously provoking them to defend themselves and ultimately resulting in the alleged suspect's death. The officers were shaken up from the scuffle but not injured. The shooting took place one block from a school, “Confluence Academy,” though all kids and teachers remained safe.
Details are still developing into the shooting as to the source of the chase and the suspect at this time. Residents came out during the police staging of the crime scene to shout “Hands up, Don’t Shoot!”–but there is no evidence or information linking any police brutality or wrong-doing so far.

The Mayor of the city tweeted there will be a full and independent investigation of the circumstances.

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