Bryan Fischer will say anything to legitimize his beliefs that gay people are cooties-having hedonists destined for a life of hell.

Their greatest crime? Not anal, not vaginal for vaginal relations, but daring to ask the majority at large that they treat people different from them with common decency and give them the same legal protections that they and their sexless marriages enjoy.

When Don’t Ask , Don’t Tell was repealed, Fischer said it would lead to more pedophilia. Apparently, the road to Michael Sam is paved in R. Kelly stones (allegedly).

Fischer once compared homosexuality to robbery, arguing, “Public policy should be based on reason, not emotion. If it turned out my son was a bank robber, I would not love my son any less.”

When Fischer found out that Jason Collins had a twin brother who wasn’t gay, he said that proved that homosexuality is a choice. Science and a bunch of gay siblings, disagree, but whatever, Fischer. It’s your deranged little world. We’re all just being sensible in it.

And when it came to children of gay couples, Fischer declared that they ought to be seized “underground railroad style.”

Bryan Fischer says he’s denouncing homosexuality out of his love of Black men. In this most recent exercise in crock, Fisher speaks on HIV/AIDS, noting:
“This is black genocide. If you are for the legalization of homosexuality, you are for the acceptability of homosexuality, you are for the normalization of homosexuality, you do not care about black males. You have no compassion in your black heart for black males because they’re being decimated by HIV/AIDS … So why am I opposed to the normalization of homosexual behavior? Because I love black males. I want black males to live long, prosperous, healthy, disease-free lives.”
Unfortunately, I’m well aware of Bryan Fischer. The only time he ever talks about Black men, it’s just one and he’s none too kind. Fischer once opined that President Obama has a “heart of darkness.”

He’s help spread the conspiracy theory that Obama was photoshopped in the situation room on the night Osama bin Laden’s compound was raided. He believes Hindi demons have infiltrated the White House. He’s called on Obama’s impeachment for “educational purposes.”

And to bring it on home, Fisher feels that Obama is “ignorant” about homosexuality given “gays have no right to sodomy.” I’m pretty sure the Supreme Court settled that debate a while ago, but again, your world, Fischer.

Still, Bryan Fischer loves Black men about as much as I love singing BeyoncĂ©'s "Partition" with a grand wizard outside during a New York snow storm.

True enough, there is a bit of a crisis when it comes to Black and Latino gay men being exposed to HIV/AIDS, but the unrealistic call for an end of the gay and the gay remix of sex is not going to help matters.

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