Now that Twitter’s public filing is out, it’s time to meet the four men who will be Tweeting all the way to the bank.

Evan Williams

Evan Williams, Co-Founder

Age: 41
Lives: San Francisco
Marital status: Married to Sara Morishige. They have two children.
Shares owned: 12 percent
Looks to make: $1.65 billion
His story: Farm boy turned tech titan, Williams dropped out of the University of Nebraska to become one of the world’s most successful serial entrepreneurs.
Likes: Apple juice and vegetarian food
Number of Twitter followers: 1,696,932

Jack Dorsey, chairman of Twitter and CEO of Square, listens to the moderator as he takes part in a Techonomy Detroit panel discussion held at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan

Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder

Age: 36
Lives: San Francisco
Marital status: Single, though he’s been linked to sometime girlfriend, 28-year-old Iowa native and yoga instructor, Kate Greer.
Shares owned: 4.9 percent
Looks to make: $679 million
His story: Dashingly handsome, Dorsey grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. He dropped out of NYU, where he came up with the idea for Twitter. Now he bounces around islands — on his yacht, of course — with celebs and supermodels like 25 year-old Lily Cole, whom he used to date.
Dream: To become mayor of NYC
Number of Twitter followers: 2,435,605

Twitter CEO Costolo speaks at the TechCrunch Distrupt 2013 technology conference in San Francisco

Dick Costolo, CEO

Age: 50
Lives: Marin County, California
Marital status: Married to Lorin Costolo. They have two children.
Shares owned: 1.6 percent
Looks to make: $220 million
Laughing to the bank: After getting his bachelors degree from the University of Michigan, Costolo worked the improv circuit, performing with Chicago’s Annoyance Theater.
Fun fact: His initial investment of $25k (he turned down the chance to put in $100,000) is worth more than $10 million now.
Number of Twitter followers: 1,104,989


Peter Fenton, Investor

Peter Fenton, Investor
Age: 41
Lives: San Francisco
Marital status: married with two young children
Shares owned: 6.7 percent
Story: A Stanford grad twice over (he has a BA and MBA), Fenton serves on the board of both Twitter and Yelp. He’s a triathlete, completing four Half Ironman competitions and lists “string quartets” among his hobbies.
Head start: He invested in Twitter when it had a mere 25 people working there. Today, the company employs nearly 2,000.
Number of Twitter followers: 20,782

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