bbw tami shaunie
Last night's Basketball Wives was purely the set-up for whatever insanity is set to occur in London thanks to Shaunie O'Neal's master planning.  Evelyn Lozada has quit crying and is now excited to sit back and watch someone else design her clothing line.  Suzie Ketcham is still on a high from smacking the beret off of Tasha Marbury, and Tami Roman launches her nail polish sans Big Diva.

Suzie reveals to real Tami that she took Lil' Tami with her to confront Tasha.  The women find it very fishy that Tasha referred to the women as "angry birds" even though she claimed to not have anything to do with the blog stories.  Even after flipping Tasha's hat off of her head, the women decide that it's Suzie who is owed an apology first. Tami always has the little guy's back. She is such a champion for the underdog!

Evelyn has a meeting for her clothing line Vida Lux. It's like loungewear meets the wardrobe department of Kids, Incorporated (you know, back when Fergalicious was just plain ol' Stacey). She's waxing on about patterns and colors and the gap that big bootys create in the waistband of some jeans. Evelyn wants to think international. Her maxi dresses plan to take over the world!  Later Suzie calls Evelyn so that she can continue to relive the swat-fest with Tasha.

Shaunie, Evelyn, and Tami are shopping, and Shaunie decides it's time for a girls' trip. You know, we are several episodes into the season…Shaunie's got the formula down to a science. This year, the ladies plan to terrorize London Fashion Week. Shaunie cackles at the entertainment that will ensue when Tasha's contract binds her into going on the craycation.  Tami can't wait to ignore the hell out of Tasha in city with better architecture than New York City.

The following day, Shaunie is baby-sitting on a date with Marlon. She's disappointed that he's taking her boxing at the gym.  Nostrils doesn't do cardio. I guess we now know why she lets Tami and Evelyn do the dirty work…Shaunie would get her a$$ kicked by the puniest of co-stars.

Tami is having a fan appreciation event to promote her new nail polish line. Niecy Nash makes a cameo to help us forget, yet again, that Tami does something other than blow up when people start waving their hands around.  Tami is impressed with the level of talent that has shown up to support her, and I'm not lying, she then references the best attendee ever…Stevie J.  Tasha needs to take note: this is how you plan a launch.  Tami is very grateful that Evelyn, Suzie, and Shaunie have come to support her endeavor. She's taken over Evelyn's job as the resident crier.
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Forever the pot-stirrer, Evelyn calls to invite Tasha on the girls' trip to London.  Tasha is over the whole mess with Suzie mess, and she's happy to either make amends with or steer clear from Suzie across the pond.  She admits to Evelyn that it bothered her a little bit that Suzie brought up her husband (a little subliminal message to Evelyn too, no?), and Evelyn agrees that it was below the belt. Um, I guess she forgot for a bit the stories her ghost writer weaved about Stephon and his chef!

It's family dinner time for Shaunie, her children, her sister, and her mother.  Shaunie's daughter MiMi is celebrating her 11th birthday, and she's requested a taco feast. What, no party to rival the Bro Mitzvah?  Meanwhile, Evelyn has ditched sweats for maxi dresses, and she's in awe of the new Vida Lux sketches.  Fingers crossed, the new line will be ready for London Fashion Week.

Tami accompanies her mom to a doctor's appointment. She reveals to the doctor that she can't continue to be on an emotional roller coaster of is her mother going to get better or get worse.  Tami's mother sits quietly as her daughter goes on and on about the toll her terminal condition is taking on Tami's emotional state.  I. Can't. Even. The doctor suggests counseling, and Tami thinks that would be the perfect solution…for her mom.  As for Tami, she's not big on sharing her feelings.

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Evelyn and Suzie are shopping, and Evelyn fills Suzie in on the trip to London. While Suzie isn't keen on traveling with Tasha, both women think that the real oil and water will be Tami and Tasha. Say it with me, y'all: It could go real right or real wrong!  Suzie is excited to hear (for the first time!) that Evelyn will be launching a clothing line in London.

Out of the blue, Tami gets a phone call from Kenya Bell.  Welcome back, Kenya!  Only Kenya's brand of delusional (is there something in the name?) would request that Tami invite all the girls to a performance of her new single "Hate Me." The song was inspired by mean girls hating on Kenya, and Tami is thrilled to find out that it isn't directed at her but one of the other angry birds. She plans to keep this little nugget tucked away until the ladies return from London. What a fun surprise it will be for her friends!
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Suzie and Tami decide to bash Tasha over a wine tasting.  Suzie is prepared to get Lil' Tami a passport in case their is drama in London. Tami doesn't want her name associated with Suzie's newfound voice…she suggests renaming the imaginary butt kicker "Lil' Suzie." Regardless, Tami doesn't want Suzie to totally go soft with Tasha. The two cheers bougie Tasha with their Bugey wine.

Showing off her ridiculous shoe collection, Shaunie is hanging out in her closet with Evelyn.  They dish on Marlon and the Evelyn's clothing line before getting into the personality clashes they can't wait to see happen in London.

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