Ex-Yankee sentenced to jail for molesting girls
A Michigan judge slammed former Yankees World Series hero Chad Curtis as a “predator” Thursday before sentencing him to prison for molesting three teenage girls.
Curtis will serve between seven and 15 years behind bars for his convictions on six counts of criminal sexual conduct.

Barry County Circuit Court Judge Amy McDowell called Curtis a “predator” and said he poses a danger to all.

“You certainly are a threat to any community you get into,” McDowell told the disgraced Curtis, who has two World Series rings from his years in The Bronx.

One of Curtis’ victims spoke out in the Hasting, Mich., courtroom, and described the horror she felt when the former big-leaguer kissed and fondled her in a Lakewood HS weight room in 2011.

“I, myself, kept giving you a chance to walk away from the monster you’d become,” the victim said, according to MLive Media Group..

“As a Christian, I don’t hope for any bad things to happen to you. I hope for good things. “I hope you admit what you’ve done to God and yourself.”

Curtis responded with a rambling, hour long statement. He mentioned his renewed faith in Christianity and said his accusers were lying.

The 44-year-old Curtis even said he had to fight off advances from the girls. “I believe her,” Curtis said bizarrely of one of his accusers, “and I could write a book together someday, and it could have a positive impact on a lot of people.”

Curtis will best be remembered by Yankees fans for his walk-off home run, in Game 3 of the 1999 World Series against the Atlanta Braves.
But he then snubbed NBC sportscaster Jim Gray during a nationally televised, postgame interview.

Curtis was miffed that Gray had grilled gambling-tainted baseball superstar Pete Rose in a recent interview.

“I can’t do it. As a team, we kind of decided, because of what happened with Pete, we’re not going to talk out here on the field,” Curtis lectured, before walking off.

Then-Bombers manager Joe Torre later said that there was no team decision to snub Gray, and that Curtis had acted alone.

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