Whoa, Nellie!  Last night's Love & Hip Hop Atlanta was full of bleeped out rants and blurred out bodies, so basically it was like any other Monday night!
Mimi Faust  and Ariane are still vacationing in New York City on what has to be the least fun trip ever.  While Mimi is over all things with K. Michelle, she is concerned that Ariane is straddling the fence.  She needs to choose between Mimi and K. Michelle.  Ariane assures Mimi of where her loyalty lies, and Mimi asks for her take on Nikko.  Not beating around the bush, Ariane tells her friend that she believes Nikko is not very genuine, but she's happy as long as Mimi is happy.
Lil' Scrappy has called Shay in Erica Dixon's absence.  She is happy to come by and give him a massage and chat about their relationship.  The pair decides–much to Shay's chagrin–that sex ultimately ruined their friendship, and they'll have to cut out the "benefits" portion of their relationship.  Of course, Scrappy makes this decision while rubbing on Shay in his bed.  No one is shocked, are they?  
At a photo shoot for Joseline Hernandez, Stevie J. is hoping to clean up the mess between her and Che Mack.  While Joseline admits that she was wrong to put her hands on Che, but she doesn't want Stevie trying to bed the new girl.  Stevie promises to keep things strictly professional, but Joseline knows what kind of girl Che is…because she's the same way!  As Joseline strips down to be made up, Stevie makes creepy faces at his Puerto Rican princess.  Thankfully, VH1 blurs out most of the shoot so I don't have to avert my eyes.
Ariane heads to the studio to speak with K. Michelle about her altercation with Mimi.  She doesn't think that K. Michelle should have gotten physical with Mimi, and Ariane understands that her friend's show probably wasn't the best venue for a heart-to-heart.  K. Michelle doesn't think she owes Mimi any type of apology, and Ariane just wishes that everyone could get along.  I doubt Mimi would be too happy about Ariane's little pow-wow with her nemesis.
Traci Reece and Erica are having a jump zone play date.  She fills in Erica on the debacle of the sneaker boutique, and she is saddened by the fact that Drew will be heading back on the road to support their family.  Erica explains to Traci that she and Scrappy have called off their engagement, but they are working to co-parent as friends.  Traci can totally relate because that's exactly what she wants with Drew too…a friendship devoid of popcorn hos who pop in and out of Drew's life making it very hard for her to get him to commit.  Erica laughs at Traci's notion of popcorn hos since she's friends with their leader Shay.
Rasheeda is having her own, more tasteful, photo shoot when husband Kirk Frost stops in to visit.  He isn't happy to see that she's spending more money on the session that they'd originally agreed.  Kirk decides to be a total jackhole by accusing Rasheeda of cheating on him to get pregnant.  He'd like a blood test once "her" baby is born.  What a class act Kirk is turning out to be!
Stevie has arranged yet another meeting between Joseline and Che so that Joseline can apologize.  After complimenting the brace face, Joseline admits that she was wrong.  She just reiterates that she doesn't want Che working with–or sleeping with–her man.  Che tries to explain that she and Stevie are just friends, but Joseline gets riled when Che keeps bringing up doing a song together.  It's never going to happen, Che!  When Joseline starts to get feisty, Che casually mentions that Stevie brought her a new television after the break-in at her home.  That's what friends do, right?  Not according to Joseline, who promptly excuses herself and leaves.
Erica joins Mimi as she meets with a psychic for a Tarot card reading.  The woman talks about someone from the past returning to Mimi's love life and that it's a foolish decision to let him back into her life.  Mimi has been questioning her relationship with Nikko, but she hasn't voiced her concern to any of her friends.  She's kind of freaking out about the reading, and she learns from the psychic that she should be wary of K. Michelle.  Erica is curious as to why Mimi is asking about K. Michelle.  They clearly have a lot of catching up to do!
K. Michelle is meeting with her manager and a celebrity strategist.  Wait, that's Alaska Gedeon!  Twice in one night and two different networks…good work, Alaska!  I love a crossover!  Alaska and the strategist are worried that her image is being tarnished by her Twitter wars and her reputation as someone who flies off the handle.  K. Michelle hates being asked to bite her tongue, but she also doesn't want her music to be overshadowed by drama.
Over pedicures, Shay shares with Traci that she's reconnected with Scrappy.  Traci wishes that her friend would listen to her and move on–he's never going to marry her.  Something tells me that Traci needs to take her own advice.  Shay admits that she wants to let go and move on…she's just not sure how.
Joseline wants to vent about Stevie playing Santa Claus to Che, so she's meeting her booking agent Dawn for drinks.  She is sick and tired of Stevie trying to save hos.  She needs to trademark "Save a Ho" and put it on a bumper sticker.  I love her one-liners!  She plans to be a huge star with or without Stevie's help.
Mimi is talking to Nikko about her new brand Made which is a play on the "maid" insults that Joseline likes to make.  Nico has some ideas for her, and he's happy to coach her into a better place.  After all, she's smart.  She was smart enough to start dating him, right?  He is clearly a poor man's Stevie J, but no one can be as underhanded and demeaning and creepy as Stevie–so Nikko should just quit trying!
Mere hours after saying she wanted to forget about Scrappy, Shay is fixing him fruit and questioning why he was sleeping with her and proposing to Erica.  Scrappy doesn't understand what happened.  Friends with benefits aren't friends that develop feelings.  Shay is hurt, and Scrappy is playing dumb about his involvement.  Sex changes everything, people!  While Scrappy hurls insults about fruit and genitalia, Shay ushers him out the door.  She retreats to her walk-in closet to cry while Scrappy continues to yell to her from the front yard.  Best friends forever, y'all!
Stevie J. is frustrated that Joseline isn't answering any of his calls, and he knows things are bad when she wants to meet up with him to discuss her career.  Before Joseline can start with her sharp tongue, he starts applauding her efforts and calling her a prostitute.  He reminds her that he owns her thanks to the contract she signed.  As their argument gets heated, the production crew is on hand to make sure that things don't get too out of control.  Stevie plasters his fake, psychotic smile across his face as Joseline speeds out of the parking lot.  Ahh, true love!

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