Main cover, art by Jae LeeVariant cover, art by Kenneth RocafortVariant cover, art by Guillem March
Today marks the latest DC foray into the likely, yet unlikely, partnership of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel.
“Batman Superman” No. 1 is out today and it promises to tell us how DC’s greatest heroes first met in the universe that the company rebooted almost two years ago.

In years past, the two were partnered most famously in “World’s Finest Comics” and most recently in “Superman/Batman.” Various versions of their meet-cute have been out there in various forms over the years – including the time when Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent ended up sharing the same cruise cabin (hmm).

It’s always been kinda difficult for me to see these two as heroic partners: You have the most powerful hero in the world paired with the one who has no powers at all. I love them each on their own but I’ve never seen them as two great tastes that taste great together.

But I’ll buy anything if a story is well told. I never expected, for example, that Aquaman would one day be one of DC’s most richly told books. But that’s what happens when you bring top talent to the table.

Enter writer Greg Pak and artist Jae Lee, who certainly have the chops for a first-rate tale.

I asked Pak for the gist of the storyline, without giving too much away.

“We're telling the story of the first meeting between Batman and Superman, at a time when both men are young and raw and wild and new to this whole crazy superhero thing,” he explained. “Without spoiling too much, each will immediately see the other as the most dangerous person on the planet -- with some justification. The story will explore the worlds-shattering repercussions from that initial clash. And yes, I said "worlds," plural.”
But what about the classic conundrum of DC’s most powerful character teaming up with the one with no powers at all?

Main cover, art by Jae LeeVariant cover, art by Kenneth RocafortVariant cover, art by Guillem March
“It's no problem at all when the character with ‘no powers’ is Batman,” he joked. “Seriously, though, there are always things that one of these heroes can do that the other can't or won't. And I'm not just talking about powers or abilities. The contrast in ethics and worldview is what makes the team-up so compelling. “It's also worth noting that our story begins in the earliest days of the New 52 (the name of DC’s revamped universe), when Superman's powers are still developing,” he added. “He's still the strongest person on the planet, but he has more vulnerabilities than the Superman we might think of today. And if anyone's going to figure out those weak spots, it's Batman.”

Pak said he’s read “tons” of Batman-Superman stories, including the various first meetings told over the years. But he said he and Lee are “doing our best to tell a fresh, new story -- something that could only play out this way in DC's New 52. I've had a total blast working on the book so far.”

“This is my first project for DC, and it feels like the perfect time to be jumping on board, when the relaunch of these classic characters has established an intriguing, dangerous new status quo and plenty of room to explore new aspects of their relationships,” he said. “And yes, there are a few Easter eggs here and there, although you might also just call 'em homages, including a pretty big ‘Batman: Year One’ hat tip in the first couple of pages of the book.”
Main cover, art by Jae LeeVariant cover, art by Kenneth RocafortVariant cover, art by Guillem March
The first arc will be four issues. And, he pointed out, it’s important for readers to pick up the “Darkseid” one-shot during DC’s Villains Month initiative in September. The next arc will take place in the present-day, as opposed to five or six years ago, which is the dawn of the New 52 in comic-book time. Pak also praised his collaborator as much as he did the characters.

“Jae's tremendous,” he said. “We had the opportunity to meet in person as we were planning the book, which was a real treat. He's a genuine visionary. Every image he produces is so gorgeously, lushly designed, it takes my breath away. And at the same time, he's totally under the skin of these characters. He's bringing out all their subtle conflicts and vulnerabilities and inner thoughts. Such a pleasure working with him. I'd also love to give a shout out to June Chung, who's coloring the book and bringing so much atmosphere and emotion to every page.”

“Batman Superman” No. 1 is available today in stores and for digital download.

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