Cue the veiled attempts to sweep the ugliness that is Basketball Wives under the rug! Forget all about wine-bottle hurling, table jumping, and rotten fish pranks, Shaunie O'Neal is morphing from being a puppet master for the violent antics of others into a legitimate do-gooder.
Even better?  She's teaming with everyone's favorite (props to you, Taylor Armstrong!) legitimate doctor, Dr. Charles Sophy, to make it happen.  Look out, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder!  Shaunie has a cause, and it's focused (no pun intended) on you!  I kid, I kid.  Kudos to Shaunie for what she's doing to help the less fortunate who have children suffering from ADHD.  
Black Celeb Kids reports that Shaunie is starting a foundation to help underprivileged families facing ADHD diagnoses.  Her decision came after she learned a few weeks ago that her youngest son was suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 
After noticing that her son was developing a disdain for school, Shaunie took him for testing.  She explains, “I noticed that my youngest son began to develop a gradual dislike for school and his happy-go-lucky disposition changed to one of sadness and withdrawal. After a trip to the doctor and undergoing diagnostic testing, he was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD.”
Once her son was diagnosed, she decided to work with Dr. Sophy to create an organization that would aid children who are suffering from ADHD and dyslexia.  While Shaunie is fortunate to be able to afford the high costs of testing, she realizes that not all families are as lucky.  She shares, “The cost of diagnostic testing can often be prohibitive for many families.  They just cannot afford to pay the $3,000 to $5,000 cost for this much needed testing… Also, once children are tested, often times other issues such as ADHD are uncovered."
The Basketball Wives star continues, “I have decided to establish a foundation, along with the help of Dr. Charles Sophy, in order to raise funds to help disadvantaged children to get proper testing for dyslexia…We are leaving behind too many children who are not given the proper tools and resources to learn how to deal with dyslexia.”
Shaunie has five children, four with former basketball star Shaquille O'Neal.  
As much flack as I like to give her, I am sure this foundation will help a lot of kids in need.

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