BOB DAVIS of the "Davis and Emmer" show
A gun-loving conservative radio host in the Twin Cities is under fire for saying victims of the Newtown massacre can “go to hell.”
“I’m sick and tired of seeing these victims trotted out, given rides on Air Force One, hauled into the Senate well, and everyone is terrified of these victims,” Bob Davis, part of the "Davis and Emmer" show on KTCN, said in his vicious April 12 diatribe. “I would stand in front of them and tell them, ‘Go to hell!’”
The bitter comment came as the climax of a lengthy monologue — and after President Obama flew some of the families of the 20 children and six staffers murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary to Washington on his jumbo jet.
“Just because a bad thing happened to you, doesn’t mean that you get to put a king in charge of my life. I’m sorry that you suffered a tragedy. But you know what? Deal with it, and don’t force me to lose my liberty, which is a greater tragedy than your loss,” Davis said.
Three days later, Davis continued his rant — but the outrage kept growing until he issued an apology last week.
Father of Sandy Hook victim speaks at the White House with President Barak Obama, VP Biden, and othe family members of victims.
I “did not mean to criticize the families of the victims. ... I want to offer my most sincere and total apology to all the families for any further pain those words may have caused,” he said, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
This Monday, Sandy Hook resident Brad Greene called Davis a coward — and offered to fly him to Newtown to repeat his rant.
“My question is whether he has the courage to crawl out from behind the safety of his studio and microphone and repeat his words in front of victims of gun violence,” Green wrote to the Star Tribune. “Would he have the courage to look people in the eye, tell them to deal with their tragedy, tell them that his liberty is more important than their loss, and tell them to go to hell?”
So far, Davis has declined the all-expense paid trip.
“It is no surprise that he has not responded to my offer,” Greene wrote.

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