Justin Bieber and his grandfather, George.
Justin Bieber and paternal grandfather George Bieber.
Justin Bieber is worth $110 million, yet his ailing grandfather lives in near poverty and says the teen idol “doesn’t care.”
“It’s like we now live on different planets,” said George Bieber, 61, breaking his silence on his strained relationship with the 19-year-old “Baby” singer.Grandpa Bieber said he’s disabled due to a work-related back injury and that his wife, Kathy, works a grueling factory shift, barely earning enough for them to survive.
“He never calls us, and now I sometimes think he doesn’t care,” the elder Bieber said of his grandson, now selling out arenas worldwide on his “Believer” tour.
George Beiber, Justin Beiber's grandfather in Mitchell, Canada. Living in a tiny run down filthy home. Justin is front row in Blue Jacket and brown cap.
Justin seen in photo with his paternal grandparents and family.
George Bieber is the father of Justin’s biological dad, Jeremy. In her book “Nowhere but Up,” published last year, the singer’s mom, Pattie Mallette, revealed she and Justin lived in poverty in Canada after she and Jeremy Bieber split.
George Bieber said Justin hasn’t come to his house for a visit in years and that the only gifts he’s received from his mega-rich grandson are a TV and a bit of Christmas money.
“It does make me sad, as right now our life is pretty desperate,” said George Bieber at his home in Mitchell, Ontario.
“I can’t work due to illness, so there is barely any money coming into the house and we only just about get by,” the grandfather said. “His grandma has a bad back, too, but works like a dog hauling huge bags of paint powder 40 hours a week.”
George Beiber, Justin Beiber's grandfather in Mitchell, Canada. Living in a tiny run down filthy home.
Justin's grandfather living in poverty as he claims the pop star won't help.
George Bieber, a disabled, self-employed demolition contractor, said he last saw his famous grandson over Christmas at Jeremy Bieber’s house in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The grandfather sleeps amid squalid conditions in his living room on a filthy mattress, a cold draft pouring in through a hole in the roof where a tree crashed through during a recent ice storm. But proudly displayed on his walls are family photos that include Justin.
“He was such a big part of our life, and now nothing. It’s like he is a stranger and now we barely know him,” George Bieber said. “Thank goodness we have 10 other grandchildren is all I can say.”
He expressed jealousy of Justin’s maternal grandmother, Diane Dale, and her husband, Bruce.
“For them, nothing seems to be too much trouble, and he buys them new houses, cars, luxury holidays, anything they want. But for us, nothing,” George Bieber said.
“It’s hard to imagine the money Justin has, as it’s about as far removed from our life as you could possibly get,” he said.
He said it breaks his heart to see his grandson appear to be melting down due to his wild success, and quickly earning the reputation as an out-of-control brat.
“Justin has just got too big for his britches,” George Bieber said.
Not only did he keep his fans waiting for more than two hours at a recent London concert, he has since been compared with Michael Jackson due to his increasingly erratic behavior.
Earlier this month he was fined $30,000 after attempting to bring his pet monkey, Mally, into Germany without the proper paperwork. He has also gotten into a string of violent altercations with photographers, prompted a criminal probe after spitting on his neighbor and has apologized to fans for getting caught smoking weed.
“He will always be my grandson and I am, and will always be, so proud of him. It’s just sad he is not a bigger part of our life,” the down-and-out grandad said. “But I guess he is just too busy right now.”
A spokesman for Bieber did not respond to a request for comment.

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