As an equal rights advocate, I admire what Brendon Ayanbadejo is doing. The three-time Pro Bowler has expressed his deep concerns for equality and same sex rights, and lately he has become more vocal in his stance for change.

During an interview with Aaron Wilson of the Baltimore Sun, Ayanbadejo gave a specific number when he was asked about the time frame in which a gay player would come forward.
“I think it will happen sooner than you think,” Ayanbadejo said. “We’re in talks with a handful of players who are considering it. There are up to four players being talked to right now and they’re trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.
“Of course, there would be backlash. If they could share the backlash, it would be more positive. It’s cool. It’s exciting. We’re in talks with a few guys who are considering it. The NFL and organizations are already being proactive and open if a player does it and if something negative happens. We’ll see what happens.”

If this happened it would be a tremendous break through, and having four players who could help each other during a time of scrutiny would definitely be an advantage to them. However I am against Ayanbadejo giving a number.
Before America was just speculating about who this one player could be that was considering coming out. While I am certain there is more than one gay player in any professional sport, when you attach a specific number to your claims pressure will soon follow.
If one player came out tomorrow, although some will rejoice and some will crucify that one player, if no one else’s follows his led people will then speculate who the remainder three guys are. A person’s choice to come out is their choice. Ayanbadejo seems to be drawing the bulk of the attention, while eluding others to speculate who these four men are. That maybe too much pressure and attention for the guys considering opening up publicly about their sexuality.
Ayanbadejo has shed tons of light on the issue of equality and same-sex marriage. Hopefully all of the attention hasn’t derailed him from the original mission.

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