TILL DEATH: Brooklyn nurse Janet Lloyd, here with patient-turned-hubby Garth Lewis, has been accused of “orchestrating” his death.
TILL DEATH: Brooklyn nurse Janet Lloyd, here with patient-turned-hubby Garth Lewis, has been accused of “orchestrating” his death.
A Jamaican nurse married one of her patients to get a green card — then hastened his death to get his $1.5 million Brooklyn properties, the man’s family charges in a stunning lawsuit.

Relatives of Garth Lewis, 67, claim that his marriage to caregiver Janet Lloyd was nothing but a sham — and that she “was directly responsible” for the diabetes-stricken man’s death because she didn’t care for him properly, according to court papers.
Lloyd, a 47-year-old mother of five, denied the allegations, telling reporters, “I did not cause my husband’s death, and the doctors know that.”

Lewis, of Flatbush, died Feb. 26 of a heart attack. He and Lloyd had been married for a year.The family brought their concerns to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office. A source said the case was referred to federal immigration authorities.

Lewis’ death, his family charges, “was premature and orchestrated by [Lloyd], whose sole purposes were to marry [Lewis] in order to obtain her green card and to deplete his assets,” according to the lawsuit.
Lloyd “never acted as, nor was, a wife in reality to [Lewis],” the relatives claim.
The marriage was real, Lloyd insisted — even showing a staffer a photo of her and Lewis engaged in a sex act to prove it.
“They said our relationship wasn’t intimate. Does this look intimate to you?” she fumed.
Her dead husband’s relatives accuse Lloyd of causing not just Garth Lewis’ death, but her first husband’s as well.

Lloyd’s first husband “also died under similar, very questionable circumstances,” Lewis’ family claims in Brooklyn Supreme Court papers.
Lloyd claims her first husband was a cop who was murdered in her native Jamaica while she was living in the United States.

Lewis’ mother, Eileen, and cousin, Shirley Cleardawn-Lewis, are fighting Lloyd’s efforts to have Lewis cremated because the family “strongly believes that preventing cremation is critical to determine the cause of [Lewis’] death and to prevent other men from experiencing the same fate,” according to court documents.

“The nature of [Lloyd’s] profession — nursing — provides her access to knowledge of ending a life based upon the diseases being untreated and the proper medication not properly administered,” the relatives allege in the lawsuit.

Lewis and Lloyd had met when she became his nurse, his family said.

“He needed particular medical care; he needed to be fed properly and at certain definite times during the day. [Lloyd] did not properly administer the necessary treatment,” the lawsuit alleges.

Neighbors allegedly exposed Lloyd’s poor treatment of Lewis and alerted his family, the relatives claim in court papers.

Lloyd insisted the shocking allegations are nothing more than a money grab by her dead husband’s relatives, who want to take over the three residential Brooklyn buildings he owned.

Public records show the buildings have a market value of about a half-million dollars each.
“They are crazy,” Lloyd said, crying. “I didn’t take care of my husband?”
Lloyd said her cousin had introduced her to Lewis.

“When I met him, I was married, so we couldn’t have a relationship,” she said.
She was about to return to Jamaica for good, Lloyd said, when Lewis begged her to stay.
“He said, ‘Janet, stay,’ and I said, ‘How can I stay in America?’ He said, ‘Marry me,’ ” she recalled.

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