TESTY: Jurors handling the case of Officer Peter Figoski’s killer, Lamont Pride (left), were heard going at it yesterday.
TESTY: Jurors handling the case of Officer Peter Figoski’s killer, Lamont Pride (left), were heard going at it yesterday.
The Brooklyn jury deciding the fate of cop killer Lamont Pride argued loudly yesterday during its second day of deliberations — and appears to be considering lesser charges, like manslaughter, instead of the top count of aggravated murder.
Pride, 28, faces life without parole on the aggravated murder count for gunning down decorated Brooklyn cop and father-of-four Peter Figoski during a botched East New York robbery in December 2011.
The jury — made up of two men and 10 women — began arguing yesterday morning before sending out a note, a law-enforcement source said.
The slain cop’s four daughters, determined to see justice done, stoically sat through yet another day of the two-week trial.“Does [first-degree aggravated manslaughter] apply if the person intended to cause serious injury and the person dies or does this language only apply if the person lives?” read the note, indicating some jurors are considering the lesser charge.
With the jury failing to reach a verdict, they will have to wait at least three more days to see what punishment their father’s admitted killer receives.
“It’s rough, but we just have to remain positive,” said eldest daughter and SUNY Oneonta undergrad Christine Figoski, 21.
Pride’s brother, who declined to give his first name, also was unhappy with the lengthy deliberations.
“I can’t keep missing work, but I got to be here, I got to,” he said.
The jury also asked the judge for the definition of the word “intent”— a key component of the distinction between aggravated and second-degree murder.
If every juror believes Pride intended to kill Figoski and also knew he was a cop, the jury would convict on the top count of aggravated murder.
The jury also heard readback of the testimony of the corn-rowed drug dealer targeted by Pride and the other thugs in the robbery.
The judge sent the jury home three hours early because of the storm. Deliberations resume Monday.
Testimony also continued in the trial of alleged getaway driver Michael Velez. Prosecutors poked holes in his account of whether he fled the scene on foot because his car was blocked in by cop cars.

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