FIREFIGHT: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in a heated exchange with critics yesterday at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s hearing on the attack on the US consulate.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in a heated exchange with critics yesterday at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s hearing on the attack on the US consulate.
An enraged Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday fired back at congressional Republicans who charged she failed to heed warnings about lax security at a Libyan consulate where four Americans died in a terroristic attack last Sept. 11
Clinton, who has been recently ill and off the job for a month after suffering from a concussion and a blood clot, appeared in good health and seemed to relish the jousting. The only noticeable difference was that she wore black, horn-rimmed glasses.
But Clinton’s testimony did not appease Republicans like Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
McCain pointed to the Stevens cable stating that the Benghazi consulate could not survive a sustained assault.
“The answers, frankly, that you have given this morning are not satisfactory,” McCain said. “With all these warnings, with all these things, we did not have a single Department of Defense asset available.”
“These officials were screaming out for more security,” Corker said.
Again, Clinton tried to distance herself from the tragedy.
“I didn’t see those requests. They didn’t come to me,” Clinton fired back. “I didn’t approve them; I didn’t deny them. These requests don’t normally come to the secretary of state.”
Republicans refused to let up, laying the blame at her feet, despite her denials.
“Madame Secretary, you let the consulate become a death trap,” Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) said. “And that’s national-security malpractice.”
Republicans also fired away at Clinton over three State Department administrators fingered for the security lapses who were placed on administrative leave rather than fired.
“You say you take responsibility. What does responsibility mean, Madame Secretary?” Duncan asked. “You’re still in your job and there are [three] people at the Department of State that have culpability in this that are still in their jobs.”
“Why can’t our administration or our government fire someone whose gross negligence left four Americans dead in Benghazi?” a red-faced Duncan shouted.
Federal rules prohibit the department from taking further action against the administrators at this time, Clinton said.
“There are regulations and rules that have to be followed,” she told Duncan.
Clinton bristled at Duncan’s questioning of her not taking responsibility.
“I could have kept it classified and just said goodbye,” Clinton said. “That’s not who I am, that’s not what I do.”
At every turn Democrats tried to defend Clinton, noting that Congress cut back on the construction and security budget of the State Department. Clinton told the House her budget was $340 million less than requested last year.
“It’s not all about money, but it’s also not without budgetary consequences,” she said.
The hearings were an inauspicious exit for Clinton, the onetime New York senator, first lady to hubby Bill Clinton, and 2008 presidential candidate, who is stepping down as the head of Foggy Bottom after four years.
She will appear this morning before the Senate panel again at the confirmation hearing of her nominated successor, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) — likely her last visit to Congress as secretary.
After the grilling, most of the panel members in both chambers, even Republicans, praised Clinton for her service.
“We thank you for your outstanding dedication to this nation,” McCain said. “We are proud of you. All over the world you are viewed with admiration and respect.”

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