Brooklyn Nets center Andray Blatche was questioned as part of an ongoing investigation of sexual assault at a Philadelphia hotel, but he is not being accused of a crime, police told the New York Times on Tuesday.
"From all accounts, he was not personally involved in any kind of assault or anything like that," Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey said, according to the newspaper. "He was there but he was not involved."

Ramsey told the newspaper that Blatche was in a group of three men and three women at the Four Seasons Hotel. A 21-year-old woman told police that she had consensual sex with one man and non-consensual sex with another man. She was taken by ambulance from the hotel around 4 a.m., according to multiple reports.
Ramsey did not know if charges would be filed, in part because the woman was highly intoxicated.
"She was so intoxicated," Ramsey said, according to the newspaper. "She is not going to be a very good witness."
He said that a rape kit was administered in hopes of finding DNA evidence and that the investigation is ongoing.
"She is being formally interviewed right now," Ramsey said, according to the newspaper.
According to the NBC report, the player, a 41-year-old man and a 25-year-old man were taken into custody for questioning. Blatche was questioned by the Special Victims Unit and released, according to Ramsey.
The commissioner added that Blatche may have used poor judgment in being present at the time of the alleged incident.
"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Ramsey said, according to the Times.
Blatche tweeted Tuesday: "Im ok and I didn't do anything jus was n the area when it happened." The tweet was later removed from his feed.
The Nets are in Philadelphia for a game against the 76ers on Tuesday night. Blatche was not in the Nets' locker room before the game, but P.J. Carlesimo said he expects the veteran center to play.
"He's been playing well, and I expect him to play well tonight," said Carlesimo, who repeatedly declined to comment on the alleged incident.
Brooklyn general manager Billy King issued a statement Tuesday saying that the team is aware that a member of the squad is involved in an ongoing police investigation.
"We will have no further comment until the investigation has concluded," the statement said. "All of our players are available for tonight's game."

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