Unique: Psy's moves have become so popular, even presidential candidates are copying them
A music video by South Korean Rapper Psy video that has taken the internet by storm is now the most-liked YouTube video of all time. 

The Gangnam Style video has 2,234,180 likes on the video site, eclipsing the 1,574,963 collected by LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem and Justin Bieber's 1,327,427. 
Psy's video has been on the site since July and has already collected more than 24,000,000 views. 
The Guinees Book of Records announced the new milestone today. 
A spokesman said: 'Having been the 'have you seen this?!' video of the last two months across the web, it's great to be able to award a record for this tremendously popular video.
'In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. PSY – your certificate is waiting here at our office, come pick it up any time!'
Nobody was more surprised by the success of the video Gangnam Style than its creator, Psy, a musician with a decade-long career in his homeland who never thought to break overseas.
The 34-year-old - whose real name is Park Jae-Sang - explained: 'The YouTube video never targeted foreign countries. It was for local fans.
'My goal in this music video was to look uncool until the end. I achieved it.'
The video's popularity owes much to Psy's bizarre outfits and outlandish dance move
Parodies have popped up from South Korea to the United States, and the tune was used as part of Stockholm's Pride Parade earlier this month.
Even a few of South Korea's normally staid presidential candidates are imitating Psy's moves in an appeal to voters.
The song, released in mid-July, was meant as a commentary on the rampant materialism and emphasis on appearance of today's South Korea - particularly in relation to Gangnam, which Psy terms Seoul's Beverly Hills.
The musician explains: 'It is too hot, and the economy is so bad. So I just wanted the song - lyrics, dances and everything - to be full of gusto.'

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