List Of Accomplished Hip Hop Moms

From Kanye West and Tupac Shakur to Evidence and Kreayshawn, there are some mothers to artists who have made a name for themselves in education, art, music and outreach.
So many of today's greatest Rap artists come from mothers who had already established themselves in fields like education, art, music and charirt. In honor of Mothers Day, lets looked within the industry and identified these women and traced their accomplishments, along with some homage from their children.

“A woman’s worth
Is worth everything.”
-Evidence, “Rain or Shine”

Without a Dr. Donda West there would be no Kanye West. Without a Gloria Carter, there would be no Jay-Z. As curators, analysts, critics and fans of the culture, it’s only right to pay homage and respect where it’s due. This Sunday marks Mother’s Day so HipHopDX took time to celebrate the lives and hard work of notable mothers who have not only influenced Hip Hop culture but who’ve also impacted the world in other ways. Some have used their creative talents to affect others in various ways, others have been activists for social issues and others have been inspiring as educators. All have been special. By highlighting their achievements, we hoped to let them stand center stage and shine. We’re gonna talk about some moms now, if y’all don’t mind.

Dr. Donda West, Mother Of Kanye West
“See you're unbreakable, unmistakable
Highly capable, lady that's makin’ loot
A living legend too, just look at what heaven do
Sent us an angel and I thank you.”
-Kanye West, “Hey Mama”

One of the most celebrated mothers in Hip Hop, Dr. Donda West was the fuel behind much of her son Kanye’s rise to Rap stardom but she was also an inspirational figure on her own. When Kanye sang that he was “so proud” of his mother on “Hey Mama,” he had much to be proud of. Dr. West was an influential chairperson for Chicago State University’s English Department and a noted scholar for her work in education. She also taught for over 30 years, achieving success in the field while trying to inspire and shape young minds. She was also the recipient of many accolades for her work, a Fulbright Scholar, an author and, of course, a proud mother. “My mother told me go to school, get your doctorate, something to fall back on that you could profit with,” West once rhymed. “But [she] still supported me when I did the opposite.” Dr. West also worked as a co-manager for Kanye before her tragic passing in November of 2007. Since then, Kanye West has vowed to keep her memory alive. Last year, he created DONDA, a design company that he has said will “galvanize amazing thinkers.” It’s fitting if that’s the case, since it’s what she did throughout her life.

Jana Taylor, Mother Of Evidence
“I seen the sun come down
Reflection on the ground
That’s my mom shining down on me. I love you.”
-Evidence, “Chase the Clouds Away”

“Miss Taylor raised him,” Evidence proudly says on his song, “The Liner Notes.” Jana Taylor, Evidence’s mother, was an accomplished actress and photographer. She appeared on several television programs including a strong run with General Hospital. She then became known for her work as a photographer and educator, bringing art to inner-city schools. Perhaps it’s telling then that one of the most powerful and moving lines on Evidence’s 2007 Weatherman LP wasn’t a rhyme from the Venice veteran; it was a line spoken by his mother. “When I became a mother, I felt that if I continued acting, I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with my son,” she explains on the outro to “I Still Love You,” showing the love and dedication that she had as a mother was perhaps the greatest joy she gave and received. Her accomplishments in various fields have also inspired Evidence in many ways. During a recent interview, Evidence shared how much he has been influenced by his mother’s work. “I’ve done a lot of things that emulate what she did with her career without even realizing it,” he explained. As he mentions in “Chase the Clouds Away” quote, that light that shines on Evidence remains strong.

Dr. Brenda Greene, Mother Of Talib Kweli
“Mama, can you hear me?
Mama, can you steer me in the right direction?
I’m your life’s reflection.”
-Talib Kweli, “Momma Can You Hear Me”

Talib Kweli’s mother, Dr. Brenda Greene, has been recognized for her work in education. As a professor of English, she’s been able to bring a love of language that almost certainly inspired her son, one of Hip Hop’s most critically acclaimed lyricists. Outside of the classroom, she has been a leader in the field as the Executive Director of the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York and as the Director of the National Black Writers Conference. All of this surely inspired Kweli on his route to becoming one of the most renowned lyricists in the Hip Hop classroom. On “Momma Can You Hear Me,” he explained that all of her guidance has been crucial for his success. “It wasn’t always easy, mama, but we still survived. Gotta take the time to say, ‘I love you,’ while you’re still alive.” It would seem she helped steer him in the right direction after all, and her career’s work shows she’s done the same for many more.

Elka Zolot, Mother Of Kreayshawn
“I grew up with my mom recording music. So recording music was just something that I naturally did.”
-Kreayshawn, HipHopDX Interview

It’s no wonder Kreayshawn chose the microphone as her instrument of choice. The “Oakland representer” was undoubtedly inspired by her mother’s career in music. Kreay’s mom, Elka Zolot was part of The Trashwomen, a Surf Punk band that toured through different continents. Zolot has also worked as a singer, writer and guitarist, juggling several roles as an artist throughout her career. Her daughter Kreayshawn has made a name for herself by also holding different responsibilities in her own career. She has directed videos and has shown a passion for photography. Her mom no doubt inspired this passion for artistic expression.

Roberta Shields, Mother Of Ludacris
“Pop, I never went and jumped the broom, never got that one degree
But if you looked down from heaven, you'd still be proud of me
Your son was DUI, but my mama made it by.”
-Ludacris, “Hard Times”

Though life may have included some “hard times,” Ludacris and his mother “made it by” and eventually made it to success. Today, they are working together to help others do the same. Luda’s mother, Roberta Shields, presently runs the Ludacris Foundation, a non-profit organization whose focus is on giving back. Before taking on this role, Shields worked in finance for approximately 20 years. That experience has also helped her become the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Bridges Enterprises, helping take care of Luda’s finances and more, ensuring that those “hard times” remain in the past.

Happy Mother's Day

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