Kiddie Porn Is Now Legal In New York State

New York State has just passed a law that legalizes the viewing of child pornography online. What the?! So now, Chester the Molester can scroll through hundreds of photos or videos of underage children online, and as long as he or she doesn’t save the image to their hard drive or print it out, it is now perfectly legal.
The new law stems from a case centered around a professor who had viewed “hundreds” of child pornography on his computer. This dirty dog is now getting off scott free because of the new law. This seems so wrong. Check out what MSNBC.com reported on the despicable law below:
“Merely viewing Web images of child pornography does not, absent other proof, constitute either possession or procurement within the meaning of our Penal Law,” Senior Judge Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick wrote for a majority of four of the six judges.

Instead, you actually need to deliberately save child porn to your hard drive or boldly print it out:
“Rather, some affirmative act is required (printing, saving, downloading, etc.) to show that defendant in fact exercised dominion and control over the images that were on his screen,” Ciparick wrote. “To hold otherwise, would extend the reach of (state law) to conduct – viewing – that our Legislature has not deemed criminal.”
A person can view hundreds of these images, or watch hours of real-time videos of children subjected to sexual encounters, and as long as those images are not downloaded, printed, or further distributed, such conduct is not proscribed.
This law is totally disgusting and needs to be appealed ASAP. You can read the full story over at MSNBC.com

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