Dear ET6'ers,

I hope that all of you guys had a great week and I hope that you are looking forward to a great weekend (sh!t i know I am, cheers to the freakin weekend I'll drink to that). Today I want to talk about Social Networking and the effects on a relationship, both good and bad. This topic is kind of personal for me whereas I have had my own share of drama associated with social networking. My personal experience has brought me to understand this and this alone, SOCIAL NETWORKS HAVE BECOME THE LAND OF MAKE BELIEVE.

I personally feel like the world of social networking has become a safe haven for frauds. I look at all of my 600 plus friends on facebook (all of whom I know personally) and I see the difference between the people I know and the profilesI see. Example: I know a young lady who was quiet and very soft spoken in person and according to facebook she is a hard partying "model". I understand that people change but the reality and the virtual reality are not adding up, somethings are not making sense. I decided to watch and evaluate before I posted this next blog as a matter of research. I have been looking at the interactions of singles and people in relationships on social networks and boy oh boy is there a lot to be said.

As I watched the thirst levels of single women and men go through the roof for people who have set there status to "in a relationship" or "engaged to" I couldn't help but laugh and wonder "WTH is going on here?"

When MYSPACE was the "it" site to be a part of I was in a new relationship. I was on MYSPACE he was not. I never had any arguments or confrontations with him about any other females. Things were good for us, we were happy. A couple months passed (MYSPACE was getting more popular) he comes to me and says "One of my home boys suggested that I see what this myspace thing is all about, will you help me set it up?" I oblige. After all we are grown, what could be the trouble in something so innocent??? WE set it up. OH BOY WAS THIS A SET UP....

Fast Forward a few months.....
There was about 100 new female friends (which I'm cool with) 98 of them were having inappropriate communications (which i am not cool with) I felt a Lil angry and betrayed because there I was helping him become part of the movement that was myspace and there he was helping himself to a handful of groupies. I had handed him a loaded gun and told him to fire it was all too perfect. This is when I started remembering that password that I had helped him set u, the password that he had neglected to change. I went in and I was in no way shape or form ready for what I was about to see. (Do not judge me because idc what you men are being told all women look and investigate at one time or another)

The man I knew...
The attention that my man was receiving from people he couldn't even see had turned him into someone I didn't even know. Someone that was cocky, rude and single. The exes were back with a vengeance, the fat asses and chicks without faces were flooding his inbox and the ghetto hood rats were after whatever was left. It was critical. I had to check him, I had to check the situation and if all else failed I was not above CHECKING a bitch or 2. (I have grown since then lol) NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE DOCUMENTATION OF THIS EVENT LOL.... I diffused the situation and every thing was cool. I showed up, spoke up and threatened to show out if things didnt change. They changed

Facebook changed the face of relationships all together by simply allowing us to broadcast and announce breakups with the click of one button. Break ups have never been easier or more embarrassing lol...

I tried, I was a tweeter but there's nothing but trouble on that site. Everyone is a thug, model and a boss, I just can't deal at least not right now. People think the more followers they have the more powerful they are, I couldn't disagree more. To me twitter was like the devils advocate of all social networking sites. It could be so good and then flip and use the good against you.

I wanna hear your stories of love and social networking.... email me at or post comments here lets talk

What exactly is too much on these sites?
When the line is crossed what would you do?
Have you had to check someone for allowing a social network change them? have you been checked?

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