Sex Love And Pain : The Other Woman.... Who created this Monster? HE DID

Dear ET6'ers,

Oh how I have missed you guys.... Whats new? I have been so busy these last couple of weeks its crazy. But I'm here and I couldn't wait to talk to you guys.

Today's topic is " The Other Women" On the last topic someone posed a great question. The question basically read, "Why do girls feel that throwing pu$$y at a man who is in a relationship puts them in the running to become wifey? Naturally when i read the question a number of things happened in my mind. The greatest of all of these things was, i began to think like a man....

Men often think with their Smaller heads, and without logic and emotion (women are the total opposite everything with us is reason, logic and emotion). It is easy for a male to be in a great relationship and still seek outside of that relationship for sexual satisfaction. This DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE GIRLFRIEND, SPOUSE OR MAIN CHICK IS NOT FULFILLING HIS NEEDS (we will revisit this).

Logically thinking (as us women do) you would automatically assume that a man that is having an affair is unhappy at home and that is not always the case. Men sometimes cheat based on the simple fact that they can. Nothing more nothing less. This is where the confusion starts. The other woman is thinking "I must be doing something right because hes f#ck!ng me, I know its only a matter of time before he leaves her". SMH is all I can do because some women make themselves believe this garbage.

Men are able to "slang that thang" without catching any type of feelings or emotions because to them its just sex. You see, the "other women" tend to believe that when they give good sex and "put it on him" they are making him fall in love, the truth is she is falling in love and he is falling into the pu$$y.

Simply put and I'm sure that the women will stone me for this: Women equate sex to love.
A man can be getting 3 hot meals a day, his bath water ran, back rubbed and sex 7 nights a week and will still cheat. Yes, he is wrong and I am not in any way condoning this behavior but lets be real. If someone threw a football at you full speed, you would catch it right? Well think of men and all the pu$$y being thrown around them, to them and at them all day every day. Women are thinking and talking about sex just as much as men and they are becoming the aggressors. Men can't help themselves, they become like kids in a candy store.

(Fellas I'm talking to you) The trouble is when the man issues false promises and reassurance to the "other woman". He is telling her things like "its all about you, I love you and there is no one else that matters" He is WEAK. WEAK because he doesn't realize that he is putting too much on it for nothing. He doesn't realize that she would give up the buns for next to nothing, so with his lies he is creating the monster she is becoming. Be real if you wanna f#ck say that, if that's what it is keep it real. There will be no room for error this way, everyone knows their role and no one should step outta line. NO PILLOW TALK AT ALL- Do not go telling this chick your personal or relationship business, if you do you are handing her a loaded gun.

Ladies your argument should never be with the other woman she owes you nothing, You have to step to him and have a serious discussion about where he is and where he wants to be. If in fact he loves respects and values you he will straighten up and fly right. There is nothing worse than 2 women fighting over a man. DO NOT DO IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES It shows immaturity and a lack of class and self respect. Calm, cool and collected is the way to approach the situation and never without research (ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK KNOW WHO IS WHO AND WHAT IS WHAT). MEN LIE, WOMEN LIE but PROOF PUTS ALL THAT SHIT TO BED!!!!!

I hope this helps answer the other woman questions, if there is anything you need to know or want to know please feel free to email me at ET6Jewel@gmail.com I cant wait to answer all questions.

Remember no sex is worth dying over, wrap it up!!!




  1. Hey jewel! do you have any advice for ur gay followers? I have a crush on a friend but idk if she into to the whole girl on girl thing how should I approach her with out jeopardize our friendship?

  2. Jewel I think your topics and views are on point, its rare that you see a female keep it 1 hundred with you, but you tell it straight no chaser. I hope your relationship is the same way
