Kenya Bell Was Detained Last Year For Allegedly Attempting To Stab Husband Charlie Bell

This is what Kenya had to say early in the taping of Basketball Wives.
My my my how her tune has changed since this new season has aired. I
wonder if she will be around for another season or fall off like other
cast members who couldn't deal with the negative hits their image was
taking for example Meka Claxton.

“Basketball Wives” newcomer, Kenya Bell said she's a better person
after dealing with assault charges.

The wife of baller Charlie Bell, Kenya was detained in 2011 for
allegedly attempting to stab her husband; however, she said that isn’t
how it went down.

“First of all, it was all a hot, fiery mess. The truth of the matter
is he was not mad. I did not stab my husband,” she told Vibe Vixen.

“It was [a] horrible experience for me. At this point in my life, I
think it changed me for the better because I was taught in that
situation that when somebody has problems or issues, it’s not in my
place to even try to change them. They need to change them themselves.
That’s kind of where that whole drama took me. I think I’m in a better
place [now],” said Kenya, who was asked twice to become part of the

While some infamous public figures, like Kim Kardashian, have had luck
repairing their public images and endearing themselves to the public
through reality shows, it remains to be seen whether Kenya’s reality
experience will be similarly positive, or if her rep takes a hit like
Meeka Claxton’s did after one season of “BBW.”

So far, it seems Kenya is getting along well with the returning cast members.

“I’ve developed some friendships,” she said. “Some of the chicks are
really cool. I dig cool chicks that are working hard, trying to do
their thing. For the most part, we’re all out here trying to make it.
I really appreciate that aspect of some of the women.”

If restoring her reputation is a goal for Kenya, who already said
publicly that she loves co-star Tami Roman, then being one of the
first newcomers to the show that does not get into conflict with Tami,
Evelyn Lozada or Royce Reed will likely go a long way.

1 comment:

  1. lllllllllllollllllllLLL i am NOT surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!
