Did Chris Brown Pay Off His Cell Snatching Victim?

British actor Russell Brand (“Get Him to The Greek”, “Arthur”) was arrested in New Orleans a few days ago for snatching a papparazzi’s phone and throwing it through a window approximately two days after the incident happened.
Today marks a full month after Chris Brown did exactly the same thing (minus the window), and no arrest warrant has been issued. He hasn’t even been called into the police station for questioning.
Numerous sources are saying that CB has allegedly paid off the young woman whose iPhone he snatched. Other sources are saying that the woman is afraid of what Breezy’s fans may do to her if she goes through with it. I don’t blame her. We all know how hard Chris Brown’s fans go for him.
Either way, it’s a good thing for Chris Brown that the woman didn’t press charges, because it would have been a violation of his parole and he would have most likely have gone straight to the slammer. If it were you, would you take the money and not press charges?

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