Carmelo Anthony Caught Tricking?

Someone has made this Asia Monroe girl mad!! Not sure if there is a personal riff between her and these athletes, but the same girl who earlier this week leaked naked bedroom pics of Kings’ Demarcus Cousins, has now come forward to expose Knicks star Carmelo Anthony.
There’s alot of rumors that have been circling around Lala and Melo’s relationship in regards to cheating, a secret love child, and event trust. Well according to Asia, he’s not happy in the marriage. She decided to give Fullcourtpumps the exclusive on her and Melo’s secret rendezvous.
Ok Basically It all started in February where he followed me on twitter we began talking on there which lead me giving him my number and we started texting well he asked for my gmail account something about he didn’t want his wife finding out about me or what not…so I visited New York around march 1 where me met up and he took me to a place called Juniors Cheesecake in Brooklyn I had took a pic to show my twitter friends who I was having lunch with but he asked for me to delete it but I still kept it in my phone..
he emails me off and on and says he wants to be with me and all that crap and how him and his wife aren’t working.um i do have my echofon for twitter DM’s
Whatever this girl is doing, she’s doing it right. In the email (viewed below) she thanks Mr.Anthony for a pair of shoes she got. I heard that Melo is very generous and one well known Atlanta vixen claims he bought her a Mac Book.


1 comment:

  1. he emails me off and on and says he wants to be with me and all that crap and how him and his wife aren’t working.um i do have my echofon for twitter DM’s
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