Bobbi Kristina Brown Has Agreed To Speak With Oprah

A few wondered aloud just how Oprah Winfrey was able to secure an
interview with Bobbi Kristina Brown now that her top rated daytime
talk show is gone and is still trying improve her new channel, OWN,
with respect to both the networks niche and its ratings. It seems what
won Bobbi Kris over is what often wins many of Oprah’s sought after
guests to her show: trust. Bobbi is reportedly telling her friends
that Oprah “was loyal to my mom, and never did my mother wrong, or
made her look bad. She always looked out for my mom.”

To that end, Bobbi Kris feels Oprah would offer her a similar level of
respect and not pry into issues that might make her look bad — namely
her own rumors of troubles with substance abuse. Sources close to
Bobbi Kris also say that Oprah was one of the first to reach out to
her after Whitney Houston’s death. As of now, though, there’s no
confirmation as to whether or not Bobbi Kristina was compensated for
her interview.

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